When I first met you My heart lit alight, I saw your blessed face, The noor shining bright. |
I looked into your eyes, The only place where I could find peace, I saw Your smile, that greeted me. |
I watched as all the people Desperately pushing in line To kiss your blessed hands, I was so lucky to be there To be with one of a kind. |
You stood out from everybody In the crowd, you were like The star sent from heaven, an angel sent from Allah. |
There looking at you, I was So proud to be with you, to Be part of this blessed tehreek. To be a Muslim, to be a life member |
O Allah, Hear my dua, Never part me from my Quaid. I don't know where I would be Without you. If you were not |
Here, then where would we all Be? Thank you Allah For Choosing me to be a minhaji And to be with my beloved Quaid. Ameen. |
By Mariya Mobeen Qadri, Aged 12, Bradford |