the 21st of February a Mawlid-un-Nabi (SAW) was celebrated under the banner of Minhaj
Women League and Minhaj Youth League, which was attended by over seventy people.
The gathering was held at Shabnam Parveen’s house (General Secretary Sandwell Minhaj
Women League) in West Bromwich. The proceedings of the programme started off with
‘Khatam-e-Ghousia’. Nasheeds were then recited by Minhaj-Al-Barakah sisters of Minhaj
Youth League. Sister Sadia Bibi (Dawah Secretary at Sandwell Minhaj Women League)
gave a beautiful speech in Urdu about the importance of Mawlid-Un-Nabi from Shaykh-ul-Islam
Dr Mohammed Tahir-ul-Qadri's book 'Mamulaate Mawlid'. The programme finished with
Salaam and prayer. Food was served to all the attendees.
Reported By: Asia Barkat (Media Secretary at Sandwell Minhaj Women League)